Carmina Burana 18. Cour d'amours - Circa mea pectora

Карл Орф - Carmina Burana 18. Cour d'amours - Circa mea pectora - Текст песни

(Baritone and Chorus).............. In my heart

Circa mea pectora.................. In my heart
multa sunt suspiria................ there are many sighs
de tua pulchritudine,.............. for your beauty,
que me ledunt misere............... which wound me sorely. Ah!

Manda liet,........................ Mandaliet,
Manda liet..........................mandaliet,
min geselle........................ my lover
chumet niet.........................does not come.

Tui lucent oculi....................Your eyes shine
sicut solis radii,..................like the rays of the sun,
sicut splendor fulguris............ like the flashing of lightening
lucem donat tenebris............... which brightens the darkness. Ah!

Manda liet..........................Mandaliet,
Manda liet,........................ mandaliet,
min geselle........................ my lover
chumet niet.........................does not come.

Vellet deus, vallent dei............May God grant, may the gods grant
quod mente proposui:................what I have in mind:
ut eius virginea....................that I may loose
reserassem vincula................. the chains of her virginity. Ah!

Manda liet,........................ Mandaliet,
Manda liet,........................ mandaliet,
min geselle........................ my lover
chumet niet.........................does not come.