Литургия св. Иоанна Златоуста для смешанного хора

Рахманинов Сергей - Литургия св. Иоанна Златоуста для смешанного хора - ноты

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  1. 1. The Great Ektenya
  2. 9. The Suppliant Ektenya
  3. 3. The only-begotten
  4. 12. We Sing to Thee
  5. 14. Our Father
  6. 7. The Two-Fold and following Ektenii
  7. 20. Praise the Father and the Faithful
  8. 5. Come, Bow
  10. Tebe Poem Parish Choir version
  11. 11. The Grace at Peace
  12. 13. It is Right for All Men and All Things
  13. 10. I believe (Creed)
  14. 2. Praise the Lord, O my soul
  15. 6. Lord, Save the Faithful, and Holy God
  16. 19. Cry the name of the Lord
  17. 8. Which Cherubim
  18. 15. One Church
  19. 17. Blessed be the hosts, and We see the true light
  20. 18. And our faith shall show forth
  21. 16. Praise God in the Heavens
  22. 4a,4b. In Thy Kingdom