When Peter Boasted, Soon He Fell

Hymns - When Peter Boasted, Soon He Fell - Текст песни

When Peter boasted, soon he fell,
Yet was by grace restored;
His case should be regarded well
By all who fear the Lord.

A voice it has, and helping hand,
Backsliders to recall;
And cautions those who think they stand,
Lest suddenly they fall.

He said, ???Whatever others do,
With Jesus I???ll abide;???
Yet soon amidst a murd???rous crew
His suff???ring Lord denied.

He who had been so bold before,
Now trembled like a leaf;
Not only lied, but cursed and swore,
To gain the more belief.

While he blasphemed he heard the cock,
And Jesus looked in love;
At once, as if by lightning struck,
His tongue forbore to move.

Delivered thus from Satan???s snare
He starts, as from a sleep;
His Savior???s look he could not bear,
But hasted forth to weep.

But sure the faithful cock had crowed
A hundred times in vain;
Had not the Lord that look bestowed,
The meaning to explain.

As I, like Peter, vows have made,
Yet acted Peter???s part;
So conscience, like the cock, upbraids
My base, ungrateful heart.

Lord Jesus, hear a sinner???s cry,
My broken peace renew;
And grant one pitying look, that I
May weep with Peter too.
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