Prophetiae Sibyllarum - V. Sibylla Samia

Орландо ди Лассо - Prophetiae Sibyllarum - V. Sibylla Samia - текст песни (слова)

Ecce dies, nigras quae tollet laeta tenebras, 
Mox veniet, solvens nodosa volumina vatum 
Gentis Judaeae, referent ut carmina plebis. 
Hunc poterunt, clarum virorum tangere regem, 
Humano quem virgo sinu inviolata fovebit. 
Annuit hoc coelum, rutinlantia sidera monstrant. 
Source:  * The Poems of Orlando di Lasso's "Prophetiae Sibyllarum" and Their Sources * Author(s): Peter Bergquist * Source: Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Autumn, 1979), pp. 516-538 * Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the American Musicological Society * Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/831253   